Arroh Region Wiki
← Piniki | Feariki | Venemone →
Artwork General
National Dex: #{{{ndex}}}
Evolves From: Piniki, Fire Stone during daytime
Evolves Into: None
Generation: Generation VI
Icon(s): [[File:{{{ndex}}}.png]]
Base Stats Biological Details
HP: 100 Species: Tiki Idol Pokémon
Attack: 120 Type(s): Grass/Fire
Defense: 80 Height: 11'04"
Special Atk: 80 Weight: 804 lbs.
Special Def: 60 Abilities: Intimidate/Flash Fire
Speed: 80 Pokédex Color: Yellow
Stat Total: 520 Gender: 75% ♂/25% ♀
    Footprint: [[File:F{{{ndex}}}.png]]
    Cry: [[File:{{{ndex}}}.ogg|50px]]


Feariki (Japanese: Burntik) is a Fire/Grass-type Pokémon introduced in Generation VI.


  • Feariki is based on a pineapple as well as the quintessential depiction of a tiki idol.
  • Feariki is a combination of fear and tiki.
  • Feariki can be considered as the equivalent of Anenemy: both are Fire-type Pokemon with an unique second type, both evolve from the use of evolutionary stones, and both first stages are small, rectangular Pokemon.
← Piniki | Feariki | Venemone →